Starting a Home Business? How to Get 10,0000 Visitors to Your First Web Site Absolutely Free

Are you starting a home based business? Are you putting up a web site, or a blog to support it? Smart decision obviously, right? We all know that the future of commerce is going to be done majoritively online, and there is truly NO better time than right now to dive in if you haven't already.

I'm a BIG believer in the power of the individual entrepreneur. I've been working for myself from the time I got out of college almost 20 years ago, and while I've had offices both LARGE and small over the years, I work from "home" right now, and have never been happier. For me....."home" is where I am at the moment, and today it's a few blocks away from one of the most beautiful beaches on the east a small but luxurious apartment I rented a few weeks ago.

You CAN build a successful home based business, and you can do it ALL online.

I want to share with you a strategy I use to not only build my own business as a full time affiliate marketer and coach, but one that is SO super simple that it confounds me more people aren't using.

It's an amalgamation of TWO bedrock principles of that is somewhat unique to the online universe, and the other a cornerstone of ALL successful entrepreneurs you'll meet anywhere.

  • Create Content
  • Build Relationships
You can put these together, in a very unique and powerful way, to drive an UNLIMTED amount of traffic to just about any site, service or offer you want. This is especially effective if you are a home based business owner and DON'T have a big budget to start.

All you want to do is this:

1) Write LOTS of articles related to your business. Identify very common concerns, conundrums and confusions....and offer creative solutions in the form of short 350 to 500 word articles. Don't post these articles on your blog or web site....rather, submit them to high authority directories, much like the one you are reading this on right now.

You CAN and should be able to write 8 or 10 articles a day in under 4 hours. (I can do this in 2...but I have practice!) You should be doing keyword research and such too to optimize your titles, but this is not critical right now. Just aim for a minimum of 100 articles in 30 days...and the more the merrier.

2) Use ALL of the tools and technologies you can to bookmark these articles, share them across the social networks and re-purpose them around the web. This is the RELATIONSHIP component of this strategy. Tweet your articles. (you can actually have them set to automatically post to your Twitter account) Share them on Facebook. Stumble them. Encourage OTHER articles to re-purpose your content the very same building relationships with other people in your niche, and offering them access to your content. (hint...look for HIGH volume blogs in your niche, and offer to GIFT them one of your better articles. This works amazingly well)

The net result?

I have a basic metric of 100 visitors per article in the niches I publish most aggressively in. (your mileage may vary) 100 articles for me = 10,000 NEW visitors for free, and that's really only the TOP of the iceberg in terms of the beautiful benefits this approach will accrue. (you can really become a ROCKSTAR in your niche if you are willing to do the above...and do it well, which CAN change your life, your business AND your bank account to boot!)

Want PROOF? Click HERE =====> To Learn How I Made $1950 in Profit in 26 days with No List, No ads, No PPC, No Social Networking, No Affiliates, No Blog, No Name and NO nonsense......ALL for a TOTAL investment of 99 cents......
and if you really WANT TOO Can YOU!

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